Faith Direct


We hope you will choose electronic giving through Faith Direct to support
St. Joseph Catholic Church.


Faith Direct is a system that allows you to make regularly scheduled offerings to the parish. No more need to worry about writing that check out before rushing off to Mass! Instead, you set up the amount that you wish to donate and Faith Direct takes care of the rest. The donation is automatically withdrawn monthly from either your checking or your credit card account, and an email reminder is sent to you as well with the amounts you have chosen.

You may change the amount of your contributions at any time.

A statement of all donations made is available from Faith Direct each January for income tax preparation.

Call the Church Office (772-287-2727 ext. 100), visit the Faith Direct website, or call
Faith Direct toll-free at 1-866-507-8757.

Click here to go to Faith Direct’s secure, online enrollment site where you can make a one-time payment or begin regular contributions.

Faith Direct is a blessing for our parish.

Have questions? Click here to reach Faith Direct's FAQ site

If you would like to support our Parish with a donation, please call (772) 287-2727 ext. 100 or mail your donation to:

Saint Joseph Catholic  Church
1200 E. 10th Street
Stuart, Florida 34996

Thank you for your generosity and kind support of our Lord’s work!